In 2005 the idea of the Northern Safety Association was originally conceived. The Northwest Territories Construction Association (NWTCA), then led by past President David Tucker, proposed and spear-headed the development of a construction safety association. Over the next year, the NWTCA, with the help of the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA), researched the history and activities of provincial and territorial safety associations across Canada and, in 2007, the Northern Safety Association came into existence and opened its doors to industry, employers, and workers.
The proposal outlined that the Association would deliver quality cost-effective health and safety training under the guidance of the NWTCA and funded by the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (WSCC).
The proposal was successful and a funding agreement was signed by Bob Doherty, NWTCA President, and Denny Rodgers, WSCC Governance Council Chairperson, in early 2007.
In January 2008, the NSA delivered its first course and has since spread the word about workplace health and safety and the importance of providing proper worker training.
Today, the NSA continues to deliver effective health and safety-related programs for all industries to assist northern workers and employers in making the fundamental shift towards developing and maintaining healthier and safer workplaces.